Honeywell Smartline Temperature Transmitters
Temperature transmitters take a weak, low voltage RTD or thermocouple temperature sensor signal, and convert it to a strong and stable analog signal more appropriate for long-distance transmission through an industrial or commercial plant for direct interface with an indicator, recorder, PLC, DCS or PC-based SCADA system.
Honeywell SmartLine STT650 Temperature Transmitter

Description & Features
The SmartLine STT650 DIN rail mounted temperature transmitters offer high measurement accuracy, stability and reliability over a wide range of process and ambient temperatures.
Their compact designs, along with dual channel options, help accommodate multiple temperature measurements on a panel, thus lowering both costs and inventory. Designed to deliver very high performance, the SmartLine STT650 easily meets the most demanding needs for temperature measurement, allowing it to replace virtually any transmitter available today.
- High accuracy – 0.1°C for RTD
- Faster response, up to 135 ms update
- Stable measurement, 0.12% of span for two years
- Built-in 1500 VAC galvanic isolation
- Superior noise performance – tested for 2 KV surge/2.5 kv burst noise
- Sensor diagnostics
- Simple and easier configuration
- Compact design, saving over 50% panel space.
Do you require a different solution? Please visit the manufacturer's website for more products!
Official Honeywell STT650 SiteHoneywell SmartLine STT700 Temperature Transmitter

Description & Features
The STT700 is an exciting new addition to the SmartLine Temperature portfolio and upgrades the widely-used STT250 temperature transmitter. The STT250 has been Honeywell’s main temperature transmitter with many decades of in-field use. The STT700 is a direct replacement for the STT250 and thus is suitable for the majority of process applications including those for control and safety while delivering excellent performance at a low installed cost.
- SmartLine platform features including SmartLine Connection Advantage when used with Experion
- Single input supporting up to 4-wire RTD sensor connection
- Dual input option supporting up to two (2) 3-wire RTD sensor connections
- Digital accuracy up to 0.15°C for RTD
- Callendar-Van Dusen sensor constants input
- HART7 communications
- DE communications
- Field housing, head mount, panel mount and DIN rail mounting options
- Transmitter and sensor diagnostics
- FM / CSA / ATEX / IEC Ex approvals
- Full compliance with SIL 2 / 3 requirement
- Up to a 4-year warranty
Do you require a different solution? Please visit the manufacturer's website for more products!
Official Honeywell STT700 SiteHoneywell SmartLine STT750 Temperature Transmitter
Description & Features
The STT750 Temperature Transmitters are intended to be a competitive replacement for the STT250 HART field mount temperature transmitters. Suitable for a wide range of control and safety applications, the transmitters provide users with the benefits of the SmartLine platform, including modularity, easier maintenance and lower total cost of ownership.
- Single universal input
- Digital accuracy up to 0.14°C for RTD
- Easy-to-use-and-read basic display
- Transmitter and sensor diagnostics
- HART7 communications
- Full compliance with SIL 2/3 requirements
- Up to a 3-year warranty
- FM/CSA/ATEX/IECEx approvals.
Do you require a different solution? Please visit the manufacturer's website for more products!
Official Honeywell STT750 SiteHoneywell SmartLine STT850 Temperature Transmitter

Description & Features
The SmartLine STT850 temperature transmitter is designed to deliver very high performance across varying ambient temperatures. The total installed accuracy level of the transmitter, including the ambient temperature effect, allows the STT850 to replace virtually any transmitter available today.
- Digital accuracy up to 0.1°C for RTD
- Stability up to 0.01% of URL per year for ten years
- 130 ms update time
- Sensor matching facility for higher accuracy
- Built-in digital output option
- Sensor health trend through advanced display
- Full compliance with SIL 2/3 requirements
- Lifetime 15-year warranty.
Do you require a different solution? Please visit the manufacturer's website for more products!
Official Honeywell STT850 SiteMoore Dual Input Smart HART Temperature Transmitter

Description & Features
Moore Industries’ Dual Input Smart HART® Temperature Transmitters configure quickly and easily to accept a direct signal input from a wide array of sensors and analog devices located in hazardous and non-hazardous areas:
- Dual sensor input for Backup and Failover Protection, with Average and Differential measurement, Low or High Select
- DIN model now available with Associated IS for Intrinsically-Safe Field Connections! Apply inputs from temperature sensors located in hazardous areas without the need of a costly intrinsically-safe barrier
- Device Intelligence includes Sensor Drift and Corrosion Detection, Smart Range Alarms, High availability, Input Simulation
- Exceptional accuracy for critical application
- 20-bit input resolution delivers exceptional digital accurac
- HART 7 compliant; HART & DTM Programmable with user-oriented basic configuration for fast and accurate setup, robust toolset
- Customizable display shows real-time process status and valuable loop diagnostic information (TDZ3)
- Long-term stability, up to 5 years between calibrations
Do you require a different solution? Please visit the manufacturer's website for more products!
Official Moore WebsiteMoore Smart HART Humidity and Temperature Transmitter

Description & Features
The HTZ Smart HART® Transmitter simultaneously measures humidity and temperature in industrial, commercial, manufacturing, and HVAC applications. Based on the humidity and temperature values, the HTZ also provides a dew point measurement as a calculated variable.
- Programmable dual analog outputs
- Programs with HART communicator, host or FREE PC software
- Process display mounts up to 9m (30ft) from the measurement location
- High accuracy humidity, temperature and dew point measurements
Do you require a different solution? Please visit the manufacturer's website for more products!
Official Moore WebsiteMoore Temperature Concentrator System™ Multi-Channel Temperature Transmitters

Description & Features
The TCS Temperature Concentrator System substantially reduces the cost of transmitting multiple temperature sensor measurements in general purpose and hazardous area applications by “concentrating” up to 32 signals onto one network.
- HART or MODBUS RTU communications
- 16 channels are individually configurable
- Installs in hazardous areas
- Substantially reduce hardware, wire, installation and I.S. barrier costs
Do you require a different solution? Please visit the manufacturer's website for more products!
Official Moore WebsiteMoore Worm – Flexible RTD
Description & Features
Universal Flexible Temperature Sensor Installs Without Removing Temperature Transmitter Enclosure or Thermowell Components: The WORM® flexible RTD and thermocouple temperature sensors for thermowell Temperature Assemblies replace restrictive, straight sensor probes with a universal sensor strategy that will save time and money. Its unique, flexible design installs in minutes.
- Universal, trims to thermowell length.
- Installs in minutes
- Ideal for hockey-puck, connection head and dual-sided enclosures
- Popular RTD and thermocouples.
- Faster response time.
Product Resources
Do you require a different solution? Please visit the manufacturer's website for more products!
Official Moore WebsiteITT Neo-Dyn Temperature Switches

Description & Features
ITT NeoDyn is a leading manufacturer of high quality and reliable industrial switches. Our compact, adjustable, pressure, temperature, hazardous area and vacuum switches support a variety of applications throughout the world. Our legacy of competitively priced products and on time delivery, guarantee that you have the proven performance in the product that you need to support your specific requirements when you need it most. With a strong focus in the aerospace, general industrial, energy and chemical markets, we are your first choice for all of your switch product needs.
ITT Neo-Dyn has a vast range of products and solutions including the following for use in general and hazardous locations.
- Pressure
- Vacuum
- Differential
- Temperature
- Sanitary