Auma Electric Multi Turn Actuators and Products
In compliance with ISO 5210, a multi-turn actuator is capable of withstanding thrust applied to the valve and transmits torque to the valve for at least one revolution. In general, multi-turn actuators are required to perform more than one revolution. Consequently, gate valves are often equipped with rising valve stems. They are operated on the basis of several revolutions performed by the multi-turn actuator. Therefore, the multi-turn actuator is equipped with a hollow shaft housing the gate valve stem for these applications.
AUMA Actuators SA and SAR

Description & Features
Actuators of the SA type range for open-close duty and positioning duty are rated for class A and B or types of duty S2 – 15 min. A special version for longer running is available for the S2 – 30 min duty.
The modulating actuators of the SAR range are rated for class C or types of duty S4 – 25 %. Special versions for S4 – 50 % and S5 – 25 % are also available.
Actuators of type range SA/SAR can be combined with various controls from simple OPEN-CLOSE control to the micro-controlled version with logging of operating data or fieldbus interface.